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April 20, 2022

How great is the effect of changing to lighter wheels?

How great is the effect of changing to lighter wheels? There are many advantages for lightweight forged wheels.   1. Reduce the weight of the whole car, save fuel, but also more environmentally friendly. According to Japanese experiments, the weight of the 5-seater car per 1 kg, a year or about 20L gasoline savings. 2. […]

March 20, 2022

Können geschmiedete Räder brechen?

Erstens unterscheiden sich Gussräder und Schmiederäder im Hinblick auf das Herstellungsverfahren. Beim Gießen wird das Metall zu einer Flüssigkeit geschmolzen, die bestimmte Anforderungen erfüllt, und dann in das Gießwerkzeug gegossen. Nach dem Abkühlen und Erstarren hat das Gussteil eine bestimmte Form, Größe und Leistung. Schmieden hingegen ist ein Verarbeitungsverfahren, bei dem mithilfe von Schmiedemaschinen Druck […]

March 20, 2022

Les roues forgées se fissurent-elles ?

Tout d’abord, les roues moulées et les roues forgées sont différentes en termes de processus de fabrication. Le moulage est le processus qui consiste à fondre le métal en un liquide répondant à certaines exigences, puis à le verser dans l’outil de moulage. Après refroidissement et solidification, le moulage a une forme, une taille et […]

March 20, 2022

Do forged wheels crack?

First, casting wheels and forged wheels are different in terms of manufacturing process. Casting is the process of melting the metal into a liquid that meets certain requirements and then pouring it into the casting tool, after cooling and solidifying, the casting has a predetermined shape, size and performance after cleaning treatment. While forging is […]

March 20, 2022

Que signifie “forgé” pour les roues ?

Que signifie “forgé” pour les roues ?   Les roues forgées sont un procédé de fabrication des roues. Ce procédé est précis, solide et léger. Le forgeage est un processus plus complexe et donc plus coûteux à fabriquer. Les voitures haut de gamme utilisent généralement des roues forgées, tandis que les voitures ordinaires utilisent des […]

March 20, 2022


Was bedeutet “geschmiedet” bei Rädern?   Geschmiedete Räder sind ein Produktionsverfahren für Räder. Das Verfahren ist präzise, stabil und leicht. Das Schmieden ist ein komplexer Prozess und daher teurer in der Herstellung. Autos der Oberklasse verwenden in der Regel geschmiedete Räder, während normale Autos Gussräder verwenden. Bei der Herstellung von Schmiederädern wird der Aluminiumblock auf […]

March 19, 2022

What does forged mean in wheels?

What does forged mean in wheels?   Forged wheels are a production process for wheels. The process is precise, strong and light. Forging is a more complex process and therefore more costly to manufacture. High-end cars generally use forged wheels, while ordinary cars use cast wheels. The manufacturing process of forged wheels is that the […]

February 27, 2022

Are forged rims better?

Are forged rims are better than Casting rims? 90% person don’t know that. I was asked usually ” Do I need to buy forged rims” by my friends.  Do forged rims are quite different with casting rims?  Yes, they are really quite different. In fact, weight reduction of truck is weight reduction of accessories. The […]

February 19, 2022

Ningbo Auto Parts focused on high end custom monoblock wheels

Ningbo Chenglu  Auto Parts focused on high end custom monoblock wheels, let the wheels in the personal customized period. For some people who love to modify the wheels, it is not strange for them to do that.  After all, it is one cheap way but can change the car. But modifying wheels shall not be […]

September 12, 2021

Cast Wheels vs Forged Wheels: What’s the Real Difference

  The automotive aftermarket is filled with a massive array of parts manufacturers, some of them much better than others. At Vivid Racing, we only offer products we believe in and know our customers will be happy with; this is why popular replica wheel brands like Rota aren’t on our website. For aftermarket wheels, there […]

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