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11 de junio de 2022

¿Cuáles son las ventajas y desventajas del tamaño de las llantas y por qué la gente que sabe de coches elige llantas de 17 pulgadas?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of wheel size, and why do people who know about cars choose 17inch wheels?

The car know how to change 17inch wheels? This statement obviously does not stand up to scrutiny, can only say that 17-inch wheels for the family car is more balanced, taking into account the comfort, value, fuel consumption, as well as practicality, so this is a trade-off problem, not to talk about the so-called understanding of the car, I believe that every car enthusiast has a set of large wheels in mind, the value is justice, as shown below te37, who does not like? The key lies in the bag of silver is sufficient!

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llantas de aluminio forjado

TE37 is not very handsome, more than 19-inch wheels, with a low flat ratio of tires is not good? In fact, there is no specific concept of car knowledge, we are just standing in their own position, to deny the views of others! For example, the core view of durability, then 18-inch, 19-inch, 20-inch tires have a much higher probability of bulging than 17-inch wheels, and large wheels are more likely to be scratched, indeed larger wheels, low-flat ratio tires in the durability is not!

But this is no way to say whether you know the car, because different consumers’ spending power, affordability is completely different; Similarly, from a performance point of view, car enthusiasts will feel that small wheels, with high flat ratio tires seriously affect the cornering stability, limiting the performance of the vehicle; So instead of talking about whether you know the car, why not talk about the trade-offs and angles; buy a car if you just want to get around, and do not want to spend more money to Maintenance, then 17inch wheels are sufficient!

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custom 3 piece wheels

Advantages and disadvantages of large wheels with low-flat ratio tires
What is the advantage of large wheels with low-flat ratio tires? Of course is the face, after all, the performance advantages for the average driver can not experience; how big is the wheel? In my perception 19 inches is the start, that is to say, want to reflect the value, 19 inches is the start; for the majority of ordinary car enthusiasts, the value is the only meaning of the existence of large wheels, strenuous driving, performance and so on for ordinary car enthusiasts are floating clouds, do not pull the car to the limit, it is not easy to reflect the difference!

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custom forged wheels

Large wheels are often equipped with low-flat ratio tires (with thick tires there is not enough space), and the so-called low-flat ratio tires are actually thin-walled tires, as shown above (flat ratio is the wall / tire width); low-flat ratio tires are more rigid walls (short walls are less prone to deformation), that is, low-flat ratio tires at high speeds, providing more support; but the disadvantage is also extremely obvious, the wall Rigid enough to provide stronger support, but in the cushioning performance is not ideal (upside down, relatively speaking)!

Secondly, the tire section and driving surface is wider, which will relatively increase fuel consumption; another point is that the drainage capacity is reduced, in heavy rain may lead to reduced grip (of course, this refers to the extreme state, general driving, this performance quietly change the difference is difficult to feel); more materials, as well as increased scrap rate, making the cost increase, so low-flat ratio tires are not cheap; of course, for the average car enthusiast, low-flat ratio tires are too easy to bulge. Low-flat ratio tires are too easy to bulge, I’ve seen a Q50L top-quality car with two tire bulges a year (19-inch wheels), twice a year for 19-inch tires, but also quite expensive!

According to the actual power reasonable matching wheels
Not all cars are suitable with large wheels, larger wheels on the engine power requirements; wheel increase will lead to increased weight (regardless of the cost of weight reduction is another story), the need to accelerate the inertia of rotation increased, so the engine needs to release more power to start and speed, simply put, the start becomes meat; and the brakes also become more difficult, this is the same reason with the heavy mass flywheel, once the heavier tires turn The heavier tires store more kinetic energy once they turn up, so the brakes are harder to apply!

Generally speaking, increasing the wheel hub and reducing the flat ratio of the tire will not lead to an increase in the outer diameter of the tire (note the diameter), but once the outer diameter of the tire increases (if, don’t bar), then it is bound to lead to partial loss of torque; that is to say, the power itself is not good for small cars, once the tire increases (outer diameter), then the power is damaged! Output torque = force * force arm = rim traction * tire radius, the output torque remains unchanged if the tire radius increases, resulting in traction F is reduced, traction F = ma, traction is reduced, resulting in acceleration a reduced, so the power of poor cars better not use large wheels!

llantas de carreras forjadas

llantas de carreras forjadas

The above is about the size of the wheel advantages, disadvantages description, can be said that the so-called small wheels 17 inches (and below), large wheels 18 inches (and above) have a lot of advantages, choose 17inch wheels for family cars is very reasonable, taking into account the value, comfort, power, fuel consumption, durability and other five dimensions, is a very balanced choice, but this is only a trade-off, and not at all to talk about car; after all, some car enthusiasts car power enough, financial resources are also very adequate, in order to be able to use the car, the car is a very good choice. The car’s power is sufficient, the financial resources are also very sufficient, in order to performance is strong to choose a larger wheel is not reasonable? Worth spitting is the kind of drive a small class A car, power tight, but on a 19-inch tire; for cheap, choose miscellaneous cast iron wheels, a substantial increase in weight, tire diameter, a significant drop in power, but also lead to increased fuel consumption, this is somewhat unwise!

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