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април 29, 2023

Was ist der Unterschied zwischen gegossenen und geschmiedeten Aluminiumrädern?

Gießen vs. Schmieden von Aluminiumrädern – Testen Sie Ihre Vision Im Laufe der Zeit werden sich immer mehr Menschen der vielen Vorteile von Aluminiumrädern bewusst und akzeptieren sie, was zu einem Anstieg ihrer Verwendung führt. Aber was ist der Unterschied zwischen gegossenen und geschmiedeten Aluminiumrädern? 1) Die Herstellung von Gussrädern ist relativ einfach, eignet sich […]

април 27, 2023

What are the benefits of modifying forged wheels?

What are the benefits of modifying forged wheels? (Can forged wheels really increase power?)   Modifying a set of better-looking wheels can make the car look better. There are two different manufacturing processes for wheels: forging and casting. Forged wheels have superior performance in all aspects compared to cast wheels, but they are also much […]

април 5, 2023

Do forged wheels reduce weight?

Forged wheels are 20% lighter than cast wheels, making them more lightweight. When the weight of a car is reduced by 1 kilogram, it can save 20 liters of gasoline per year. Additionally, forged wheels have better heat dissipation, which reduces the chance of tire blowouts. Wheels are a crucial component of a car, and […]

март 25, 2023

What are forged wheels

Because forged wheels are expensive, people are concerned about what are forged wheels.   Next, I’ll explain what a forged wheel is from a purely technical point of view and why it’s expensive. Firstly, the term forged wheel is relative to cast wheels. The main purpose of adding the word forged is to emphasize that […]

март 12, 2023

How to clean forged wheels

Wheel cleaning tips. 1, kitchen cleaner; spray to the wheel hub to stay for a few minutes with a brush after the wheel hub, can remove the stubborn stains on it, such as the iron powder splashed on the wheel hub. However, the asphalt on the wheels can not be washed off. 2. Iron powder […]

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